Hard core, lack of a bench, refusal of opposition… Why does Emmanuel Macron change (almost) nothing?

In politics too, it is sometimes in old pots that the best soups are made. Emmanuel Macron is part of the continuity to compose the new government of Elisabeth Borne. The reshuffle, announced this Monday morning by the Elysée, did not indeed deliver any surprises, and rather even reinforced the figures of the macronie of the previous five-year term. Two weeks after the legislative slap and his call to “govern and legislate differently”, Emmanuel Macron therefore maintains the status quo. How to explain it?

Because the opposition says “no”

To implement his “new method” and respond to the new balances within the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron had staged his desire for openness. The Head of State and his Prime Minister had thus met with opposition leaders for several days, suggesting that the executive was considering a coalition contract, or even a government of national unity, from the Republicans to the Communists. But this desire to expand has come up against opposition refusals, according to Emmanuel Macron. “It is appropriate to take note of the lack of will of the parties of government to participate in a government agreement or any form of coalition”, he assured, this Monday, during the first Council of Ministers.

“We actually notice that Emmanuel Macron has a problem expanding his political base. Admittedly, the other political parties have given an end of inadmissibility on a possible government contract. But did the president really want to make concessions to achieve this, with substantive discussions on his own project, as is happening in Germany, for example? “Asks political scientist Bruno Cautrès. “The president here pays for the presidential and legislative campaigns carried out at the bottom of the course. It is always difficult to find the backbone of this second mandate, ”adds the CNRS researcher and teacher at Sciences po.

Because Macron wants people he can trust

Failing to widen his camp, Emmanuel Macron has chosen to consolidate his base, respecting a subtle mix of the different forces of the presidential coalition. Gérald Darmanin (Interior) and Bruno Le Maire (Economy), the two strong men of the last government, are confirmed in their position, while Olivier Véran leaves Relations with Parliament to become the new spokesperson.

“There is a desire to show that there is indeed a hard core around Emmanuel Macron, a close guard who participates in Macronism. These figures, known to the French, are maintained in important positions: in the Economy, the Interior, Justice (with the maintenance of Dupond-Moretti) or spokesperson, “says Luc Rouban, director of research at the CNRS. “We are no longer in the period of political recomposition, but rather in the concreting, the consolidation of macronism. It takes a close-knit team, with no qualms about the major debates to come in the Assembly, where the situation promises to be complex, “adds the researcher at Cevipof, while the majority will have to find around forty votes to pass his texts.

Because Macronie lacks a bench

Still, this lack of renewal, illustrated by Marlène Schiappa’s return to business, was mocked by the opposition all day. “Change of function, return of the ministers of the previous five-year term, however ousted a month ago: there are obviously few volunteers to climb aboard the titanic », tackled the rebellious deputy of Marseille Manuel Bompard. “We continue, we take exactly the same ones and we start again. But to go where? “, its also interviewed Jordan Bardella, the head of the National Rally. While the walkers and their allies are in force in the government, Emmanuel Macron seems to be struggling to attract new political heavyweights, or figures from civil society, as during the first five-year term.

“The president is struggling to give new impetus, he no longer represents modernity and novelty as in 2017, notes Bruno Cautrès. We have personalities who have already been ministers for more than five years non-stop, others who are coming back. It can give the impression that there is no plan B, that there is no sideline. The new government team will soon have the opportunity to test themselves, with the arrival of the purchasing power bill in the coming days.

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