Happurger See: Police divers search for missing woman – without success – Bavaria

The police searched an quarry lake in Middle Franconia for a 49-year-old who was allegedly killed. Eight divers were to be deployed at the lake in Happurg (Nürnberger Land district). Nothing was found, a police spokeswoman said in the afternoon. Investigators assume that her estranged husband killed the woman. He is in custody for manslaughter and, according to police, is keeping quiet about the allegations.

The 49-year-old from Pommelsbrunn, near Happurg, was last seen alive on September 27th. Her adult children reported her missing the day after. According to investigators, traces in the house indicate a violent crime.

At the weekend, search dogs and corpse detection dogs arrived at a spot on the banks of the quarry pond. However, no body was discovered. The police are now continuing their search in the water. On Monday, a sonar boat had already traveled across the lake and marked conspicuous areas. “These places will be searched today,” said police spokeswoman Janine Mendel.

But the murky water makes the divers’ work more difficult, she said. There is almost no visibility. “A lot of things will be done using buttons.” A sonar will help the divers with this. The police therefore expect the search to take several hours.

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