Hamburg: Islamist demonstration for Faeser: “difficult to bear”

Islamist demonstration for Faeser: “difficult to bear”

On Saturday, more than 1,000 people protested in the St. Georg district of Hamburg against an allegedly Islamophobic policy and media campaign in Germany. photo

© Axel Heimken/dpa

More than 1,000 Islamists demonstrate in Hamburg. They shout “Allahu Akbar” and demand the establishment of a caliphate. Federal Interior Minister Faeser considers the demonstration “difficult to bear”

At a rally organized by Islamists in In Hamburg, more than 1,000 people took part yesterday, Saturday. In the St. Georg district they protested against an alleged Islamophobic policy and an alleged media campaign in Germany. The rally was secured by a large police presence. There were no incidents. The police put the number of participants at 1,100. According to information from the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the person who registered the rally is close to the Muslim Interaktiv group, which is classified as a confirmed extremist effort.

Slogans such as “Germany = dictatorship of values” or “Caliphate is the solution” could be read on posters. The organizers repeatedly asked the demonstrators to shout “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”). Speakers accused politicians and the media of “cheap lies” and “cowardly reporting” that were intended to brand all Muslims in Germany as Islamists against the backdrop of the Gaza war.

After the demonstration, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) called for “tough intervention” by the state in such events and praised the work of the Hamburg police. “Seeing such an Islamist demonstration on our streets is difficult to bear. It’s good that the Hamburg police have countered crimes with a large contingent,” Faeser told the “Tagesspiegel”.

CDU MP calls for the group to be banned

The Hamburg CDU member of the Bundestag Christoph Ploß wrote on the platform X (formerly Twitter). “A ban on Muslim Interactive is overdue! The traffic light coalition must no longer trivialize radical Islam.”

The chairman of the Free Voters and Bavarian Economics Minister, Hubert Aiwanger, declared on the same platform: “Such an unconstitutional rally to abolish democracy and human rights should be disbanded immediately, the personal details of the participants identified and, if possible, deported.”

The German-Yazidi journalist and human rights activist Düzen Tekkal wrote: “What disturbing images. In the middle of Hamburg, these extremists are chanting that the caliphate is the only solution. These people care neither about Gaza nor about the suffering of the Palestinians. They are driving you Divide in our society and democracy. This has to stop.” The Kurdish community in Germany posted footage of the demonstration and demanded: “Protect our democracy!”

Muslim Interaktiv had already organized a demonstration in St. Georg at the end of October last year despite the ban. In February 2023, the group mobilized 3,500 people to a rally against a Koran burning in Sweden.


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