Hamburg: Islamist demonstration: Bundestag factions for tougher measures

Islamist demo: Bundestag factions for tougher measures

On Saturday, more than 1,000 people protested in the St. Georg district of Hamburg against an allegedly Islamophobic policy and media campaign in Germany. photo

© Axel Heimken/dpa

More than 1,000 Islamists demonstrate in Hamburg. They shout “Allahu Akbar” and demand the establishment of a caliphate. There are clear demands from the parliamentary groups.

After a rally organized by Islamists in Hamburg, the parliamentary groups in the Bundestag have called for tougher measures and a ban on clubs. “A foreigner whose stay endangers the free, democratic basic order in Germany can be expelled,” said FDP parliamentary group vice-president Konstantin Kuhle to “Welt”.

Anyone who demands the abolition of basic rights such as freedom of the press at a demonstration meets this requirement, Kuhle continued. If possible, the responsible authorities would have to initiate such an expulsion.

The public prosecutor should now take action. Police Chief Falk Schnabel announced on the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” that the individual slogans and banners would be checked for criminal relevance. “But it is also a fact that our Basic Law also allows extremist expressions of opinion with a view to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression,” he added. The right to assembly is designed in such a way that it is not primarily about allowing or banning certain opinions. “We are the police, our law is neutral,” said Schnabel. The right to assembly is essentially about whether a gathering is peaceful.

At the demonstration in the St. Georg district on Saturday with more than 1,000 participants, slogans such as “Germany = dictatorship of values” or “Caliphate is the solution” could be read on posters. According to information from the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the person who registered the rally is close to the Muslim Interaktiv group, which is classified as a confirmed extremist effort. After the demonstration, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) called for “tough intervention” by the state in such events.

Quick club ban called for

“The “Muslim Interaktiv” group is close to the banned Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir and has been campaigning for the introduction of a caliphate for a long time,” explained the domestic policy spokeswoman for the Green faction, Lamya Kaddor, to “Welt”. There have been calls for a ban on organizations and associations that are close to Hizb ut-Tahrir for a long time. Faeser is called upon to “implement a ban on associations as quickly as possible,” said the Green politician.

The Union faction’s domestic policy spokesman, Alexander Throm (CDU), called the demonstration a “disgrace”. Anyone who agitates against Germany as an alleged “dictatorship of values” and calls for a caliphate “has no business with us and must leave the country as quickly as possible.”

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann criticized Federal Interior Minister Faeser. “Many millions of people around the world are brutally oppressed by Islamist regimes and often flee to free Europe. This makes it all the more scandalous that hate demonstrators for a caliphate are once again taking to the streets in Hamburg – despite Interior Minister Faeser’s full-throated announcements that “Something like that will not be tolerated,” he told “Bild am Sonntag”. The constitutional state must “finally defend itself and show strength.”


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