Hail, tornadoes, torrential rain… Impressive images of the violent storms that hit France

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The country was crossed by several violent storm cells this Wednesday, June 19, causing injuries and damage in several departments.

The weather was unleashed on part of France this Wednesday, June 19, while eleven departments are still placed on orange alert for thunderstorms this Thursday by The Weather Channel*. Météo France warned yesterday of risks during the passage of storms “heavily rainy and sometimes violent”, particularly in Limousin, Centre-Val de Loire, Auvergne and Burgundy. The meteorological agency had placed up to 14 departments on orange alert for storms.

These storms were indeed accompanied by hail, gusts of wind and heavy rain. The storm phenomena observatory, the Keraunos Institute, recorded more than 15,000 flashes and lightning strikes between 4 p.m. and 5 a.m. this Thursday.


The Nantes sector, in Loire-Atlantique, was largely flooded due to torrential rains around 8 p.m. The water drainage networks did not resist, plunging part of the city center under water. “40 liters of water per m2 fell in half an hour”reports La Chaîne Météo on X. During this short period, it fell “40 millimeters of water, the equivalent of 15 days of precipitation”continues the meteorological agency in another post

The north of Nantes was also affected by flooding. Heavy damage was recorded in the Pays d’Ancenis and the Pays de Châteaubriant, particularly in agricultural land.

Hail Mantle

The region of Besançon, in Doubs, was not spared. A deluge of hail fell on the city around 11 p.m., covering the streets in a coat of white hailstones. Impressive videos are circulating on social networks showing the town of Fraisans, in the Jura, dressed all in white.

Hail also fell in Mâcon, in Saône-et-Loire, due to a “supercell storm” Who “caused damage to the Beaujolais vines”indicates meteorologist Guillaume Séchet on X.

Several tornadoes

A brief tornado also hit the Chalmazel ski resort in the Loire late in the afternoon. The Keraunos Institute notes that a “injured is to be deplored”. Although the village was spared, several patches of forest were shaken and “a cow was killed by a falling tree”, he specifies. This same station had already been hit by a tornado on June 27, 1999, recalls the institute.

Another tornado was seen in the town of Carlepont, in Oise, during the passage of a storm cell. Damage was reported, triggering the intervention of firefighters on site, underlines the Météo Channel.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.

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