Haar – Citizens’ Assembly live from the desk – District of Munich

Now that would be clarified: Mayor Andreas Bukowski (CSU) also likes to open half a beer after his work is done. With a demonstrative sip from the bottle, he ended the citizens’ meeting on Wednesday evening, at which he could be seen purely online in his office for the second time. The participants learned a lot in a good two hours, they got closer to the mayor than usual in the community center and there were intensive debates in the chat and in direct exchange.

At times things got down to business intensively on several channels. While Bukowski told how impressive the memorial created by the artist Werner Mally in the Art Nouveau Park to commemorate the psychiatric patients who were murdered in the clinic during the Nazi era, the debate in the chat threatened to slide off because someone complained that “anti-social people” had to be evicted at the train station to improve the appearance there. Councilor Mike Seckinger (Greens) responded: “I ask you to write with a little more respect from the people.” He got 15 likes for it. Chat moderator Claudia Erl demanded that the “nettiquette” be adhered to. That worked out better then.

Bukowski announced that in addition to the existing corona test centers on Wasserburger Strasse and in the community center, two more would be created. On the sidelines, Claudia Erl announced that the Haar police are planning to expand the security guard on site. Apparently, this should happen regardless of the improved security situation reported by the deputy head of inspection in Haar, Stephan Jochim. Above all, there were fewer break-ins, he said. The police are mainly called for disturbance of the peace and small traffic accidents. 81 times they intervened because of violations of corona requirements.

Bukowski reported that the municipality expects an increase from 22,000 to 25,000 inhabitants by 2025. He emphasized how big the challenge would be to let the infrastructure grow with it. After the move of the pharmaceutical company MSD from Haar at the beginning of November, the trade tax income next year will collapse by more than half to ten million euros. That was not enough money for a community like Haar, said Bukowski. He announced that he would strengthen the location marketing and presented the “hair approach” strategy. There are many things that make hair special, he said. Makers live in Haar, you stand together, you are creative.

Bukowski now wants to use this creativity to make a difference with little money. The renovation plans in the Haar center are to be tackled as an integrated urban development project in order to receive grants. The new building of the Dino youth club is envisaged as an energetic model project. Students at the Munich University of Applied Sciences are already planning it. Bukowski also wants to raise funds. For the construction project of a housing cooperative on urban land on Johann-Strauss-Strasse, “comrades-in-arms” had come together, said Bukowski. He announced a new church homepage for March. There are currently plans in place to hold events for weeks on the Haarer Anger in front of the community center in the summer.

The situation at the S-Bahn station is still controversially discussed in Haar.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

The Haar train station, which was rebuilt in recent years at community expense, still employs many people. The debate over the demolition of the dilapidated kiosk building, which has still been standing, reverberates. “I think an upgrade of the station would be entirely appropriate,” demanded Katharina Klenk in the chat. Gerhard Hagl, on the other hand, thought: “The train station is not that bad after all.” In response to inquiries, chat moderators were able to explain that no day-care center was planned in Gronsdorf in the foreseeable future. In response to a critical request, Bukowski explained that they had carefully considered paving the main cycle path from Eglfing to Salmdorf in order to create a cycle connection. He promised further efforts to improve the S-Bahn cycle. He also confirmed efforts to offer a permanent parking space for campers. The efforts to reduce the speed on the B 304 continued, announced Bukowski, who slightly revised the latest statements that whispered asphalt could be applied there by 2025. The authorities have now told him that the road surface is still good.

Deutsche Telekom is currently writing to households in Haar because it wants to lay fiber optic connections. 8,800 households, mainly south of the B 304 and in districts, are potentially affected. Planning should start in April 2022, and the new network should go into operation in October 2023. Bukowski announced that he would like to offer hybrid citizens’ meetings in the future. In presence and also online. Streaming without jerking and jerking would then be secured.

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