Gymnastics: Hope for the art of doctors: Dauser to start in Paris

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Hope for the art of doctors: Dauser to start in Paris

Lukas Dauser is fighting after his injury. Photo

© Uwe Anspach/dpa

Lukas Dauser is at a loss after his injury, but also determined to fight. The German Gymnastics Association is hoping for a quick recovery and has nominated its star for Paris. The choice is easy for the gymnasts.

Despite a dramatic end to the competition, Lukas Dauser’s Olympic dreams are still intact. Despite an upper arm injury, the parallel bars world champion is set to compete at the Olympic Games in Paris in five weeks. The German Gymnastics Association (DTB) nominated the Unterhachinger and, like Dauser himself, is pinning all its hopes on the skills of the medical professionals.

“The doctors and physiotherapists, however, have a faint hope that I will be ready for action in five weeks. I will now cling to this straw,” wrote Germany’s athlete of the year on Instagram.

“Together with the team of doctors, physiotherapists and trainers, Dauser will do everything he can to be in shape in time for the competitions in Paris,” said the DTB. Together with Dauser, Andreas Toba from Hanover will lead the DTB team in Paris at his fourth Olympic Games. In addition, national coach Valeri Belenki suggested to the German Olympic Sports Confederation that Nils Dunkel (Halle/Saale), Pascal Brendel (Wetzlar) and qualification winner Timo Eder (Ludwigsburg) be nominated. This is to take place on July 2nd.

Descent from the rings and journey to the hospital

On Saturday, Dauser left the large sports hall in Rüsselsheim through a side exit. His right upper arm was tightly bandaged, testifying to the gymnast’s misfortune. During the final qualification for the Olympic Games in Paris, the 31-year-old injured himself during his rings exercise. “I noticed immediately that something was wrong,” said Dauser. He had to abandon the competition after only two of six apparatus. The result of an MRI scan was a muscle injury in his right upper arm. Neither the DTB nor the gymnast himself announced the exact diagnosis.

“It hits him harder than it does me. But I have to say, it really shook me up,” said 33-year-old Toba about the moment when Dauser let go of the rings in the middle of the exercise and got out. “I suspect it was the long biceps tendon,” said national coach Belenki. The 54-year-old tore the tendon in question in 2001 and wanted to start again the next day, but that was not possible.

According to Belenki, Dauser was devastated. “I spoke to him and he doesn’t understand how it could have happened,” the coach reported. It remains to be seen whether the medal contender from Paris will be able to recover from his injury in time or whether the national coach will have to reshuffle his team. “Of course I also have a plan B, and then we have to discuss who will replace him if Lukas can’t make it,” said Belenki. Dauser himself is gathering his courage. “Paris, I’ll keep fighting!”

Qualifying winner Eder also not unimpressed

Two weeks earlier, at the German Championships in Frankfurt/Main, Dauser had won the all-around title and thus his first Olympic qualification. He then announced that he would only compete in a maximum of three more six-event competitions in his sporting career: in Rüsselsheim and at the Olympic Games. That will probably not happen. The Unterhachinger will not do any rings exercises even if the injury turns out to be less serious.

Dauser’s injury overshadowed Timo Eder’s success. The 19-year-old from Ludwigsburg won the qualification and can legitimately hope for the Olympics. But he was not unimpressed by what happened to the Olympic runner-up. “I was very shocked. My head was a little bit elsewhere because he is an important part of the team,” said the newcomer.

Clear decision for women

The decision for the last Olympic starting place for women was much clearer than expected. Helen Kevric, who is only 16 years old, not only improved her all-around score to 55.532 points compared to the first qualification, but also distanced herself from her opponent Elisabeth Seitz on the uneven bars. While the 30-year-old German record champion again scored 14.600 points, the exceptionally talented Kevric’s exercise was rated 14.800 points. She also performed a more difficult exercise than last time.

“First of all, I’m proud that I performed the routine like that again today. But ultimately, Helen did well, I have huge respect for her because she showed incredible nerves of steel,” said Seitz. She wishes her all the best for Paris and hopes that she can perform just as well there and that everyone can be happy for Germany. “Of course, disappointment is the biggest thing,” admitted Seitz, crying, after her dream of a fourth Olympic Games was shattered.

Meanwhile, Kevric feels prepared for her Olympic debut. “It was my goal to go to the Olympic Games when I was 16,” said Kevric, “I’m ready, I’ve trained so hard and I can actually do it at 16.” The German all-around champion will be accompanied to Paris by Pauline Schäfer-Betz (Chemnitz) and Sarah Voss (Cologne), who had secured starting places with their names after the last World Championships.


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