Gunda Röstel: “Today, 52 species of fish live in the Elbe again” – Economy

Gunda Röstel once called for a nuclear phase-out as head of the Green Party. Today, she works as a manager for water protection – and has found that she can achieve more this way than in politics.

Visiting a sewage treatment plant, especially on a hot summer day, is not for the faint-hearted. Gunda Röstel, head of Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH, warns. It doesn’t smell so good in some places, that’s just the nature of things. The problem is the sewage, which goes through various stages of purification on the site of the sewage treatment plant in the Dresden district of Kaditz. 55 million cubic metres of sewage are treated here every year and then discharged into the Elbe.

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