Grünwald – Geothermal plant is “Golden Power Plant” – District of Munich

For the second time in a row, the geothermal plant of Erdwärme Grünwald (EWG) has been awarded the “Golden Power Plant” award. At the award ceremony as part of the Bavarian Geothermics Practice Forum in Pullach, the Bavarian Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) described the Grünwalder plant alongside the one in Waldkraiburg as one of the two most efficient geothermal heating and power plants and overall a song of praise for the potential of geothermal energy in the Free State intoned. According to a press release from the EWG marketing office, the Bavarian geothermal plants would have generated a total of more than 1.5 terawatt hours of heat and 149,400 megawatt hours of electricity in 2021, thereby further expanding their role in Bavaria’s energy supply. In his acceptance speech, EWG boss Andreas Lederle said that he was accepting the award on behalf of many people who had worked persistently and with conviction on the projects for years. “With geothermal energy, we are proving that we can supply the population with local heat in the long term – and at socially acceptable prices.”

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