Grünwald – Former FDP municipal council takes over CSU chairmanship – District of Munich

The era of Jan Neusiedl at the head of the CSU local union Grünwald has come to an end after 28 years. At the local general assembly last week, the members unanimously elected Matthias Schröder, the former FDP councilor he had proposed, as his successor. The 52-year-old neurosurgeon got into a dispute with the Grünwalder Liberals almost three years ago because of a Nazi comparison he had posted on his Facebook page, after they, like the FDP district association, had distanced themselves from his action. Schröder then moved to the CSU in July 2019.

No, he does not intend to gradually withdraw from the Grünwald politics, said Neusiedl on Monday to the SZ. But everything has its time and now, after 28 years, the question has arisen for him whether he should not place responsibility at the top of the Grünwalder CSU in younger hands, said the 60-year-old.

As a result, the personnel table of the Grünwald CSU has become a little wider, also in the sense of a dovetailing of the local association and parliamentary group. In addition, he was still part of the board after the assembly had elected him honorary chairman. And after all, he remains mayor and a member of the district council, so he is by no means thinking of withdrawing

The number of mayors who are also at the top of the local branch of their party continues to decline after the changing of the guard in Grünwald. Only the Ayinger Peter Wagner, the Brunnthaler Stefan Kern, the Oberschleißheimer Markus Böck, the Schäftlarner Christian Fürst (all CSU), the Unterföhringer Andreas Kemmelmeyer (PWU) and Mindy Konwitschny (SPD), Mayor of Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn, have in the district of Munich still holds this double function.

After almost three decades at the top of the CSU Grünwald, it was time to usher in a generation change in the local association, said Jan Neusiedl at the local general meeting, clearing the way for former FDP member Matthias Schröder. The doctor, who is a member of the Maria Königin church administration in Grünwald and is involved in the acting group at the Association of Friends of Grünwald, caused a sensation in 2019 with a post on his Facebook profile and in particular turned his former party friends from the Grünwald FDP against him : “Today the KJ was again indoctrinated to truancy! Disgusting how young people are abused by Hofreiter and their consorts to form political opinions”, he wrote about a picture on which a sequence from the film “The Village of the Damned” from 1960 and the words “Klimajugend” could be seen in the so-called Tannenberg script from the 1930s.

The lettering and the abbreviation “KJ” (Climate Youth) were reminiscent of the Hitler Youth, held up against him by party friends from the local and district association and expressly distanced themselves from Schröder’s action. He soon took the post from his side, but soon left the Free Democrats to join the CSU. “That wasn’t a big topic in Grünwald,” says Neusiedl, and was not addressed at the general meeting either, especially since everything was kept short due to Corona.

From the CSU it is said that the “dynamic Schröder” left no doubt that it was very important to him to revive the social exchange, for example at the fish dinner on Ash Wednesday, the citizens’ ball or local round tables, provided the Corona situation allows it again. In addition to the two previous deputies, Sindy Loos and Annabella Wünsche, Schröder is also supported by the 28-year-old local councilor Daniel Vorwerk as a deputy. Stephan Weidenbach as treasurer and Gloria Westermeyer as secretary were confirmed in their offices. Enrico Hellwig-Nuhanović was given the post of digital officer, created for the first time.

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