Greta Thunberg invites herself (despite herself) in the meeting between Jill Biden and Kate Middleton

Jill Biden and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge met before the G7 held in Cornwall. – Aaron Chown

She may not attend the G7 summit, the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg was still talked about on Friday when Jill Biden and Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, visited schoolchildren.

The wife of the American president and that of Prince William met for the first time on the sidelines of the summit which is being held in Cornwall (south-west of England).

A comic strip inspired by the young activist

“They were scared to death,” Jill Biden joked as she visited a classroom at a school in Hayle, where children, ages 4 to 5, were wise as pictures. “It’s the quietest class I’ve ever seen,” Kate Middleton remarked. Schoolchildren learned to read using Greta and the Giants, a tale inspired by the activist experience of 18-year-old Greta Thunberg. Kate Middleton asked Jill Biden, a former schoolteacher, if she knew about this story. “I know Greta of course,” replied the American First Lady, before bringing a bowl of carrots to the school rabbits.

Protests against the G7

Greta Thunberg also inspired teenagers who demonstrated in Falmouth as part of the Fridays For Future movement launched by the Swedish woman. They were among a hundred protesters who accused G7 countries of not doing enough against the climate emergency. “There is no planet B,” warned one of their signs. On Falmouth Beach, another group of activists disguised as G7 leaders fought over a fake Covid-19 vaccine syringe, a happening highlighting the demand by NGOs like Oxfam to suspend vaccine patents in order to allow mass production.

A large police force keeps the demonstrators at a safe distance from Carbis Bay, where the summit is being held. But a group of activists from the environmental group Extinction Rebellion crossed the cordon to stage a protest on St Ives beach, near Carbis Bay, under the surveillance of a Royal Navy patrol vessel.

The climate crisis is on the menu of discussions for G7 leaders this weekend. Queen Elisabeth II and other members of the royal family, including William and Kate, are hosting a reception on Friday at the “Eden project”, huge greenhouses located in Cornwall that are home to hundreds of plants from around the world.

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