Greta Thunberg denounces Boris Johnson’s private plane travel during summit

Words and deeds. Under scrutiny from around the world, the leaders gathered in Glasgow have made a number of promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming. But not all have shown the example. This is what Greta Thunberg denounces, targeting the British Prime Minister.

Coming directly to Glasgow from the G20 meeting in Rome at the end of October, Boris Johnson had joined Scotland – where the world climate conference was held until November 12 – on board a plane chartered by the government British. He also took this plane back to London, a much more polluting means of transport than the train. The Conservative leader will then use this latter transport to return to the conference.

A five hour train ride

Glasgow, Scotland’s most populous city, is a full hour’s flight from the UK capital, while the journey can take over five hours by train. Whatever, “it does not send the right message”, denounced Greta Thunberg, who traveled by train from Stockholm to attend the COP26.

“The climate crisis is obviously not caused by private jets, but it is a bit hypocritical that world leaders who live very close by, for example Boris Johnson, have arrived in Glasgow by private jet as they attempt to resolve the issue. climate crisis, ”she criticizes. The Swedish activist is participating this Friday in his first school strike for the climate in the Swedish capital since the end of the conference last weekend.

A conference summed up to “blah, blah, blah”

Adopted on Sunday after two weeks of laborious negotiations by the 200 countries of the COP26, the “Glasgow Pact for the climate” aims to accelerate the fight against global warming, without ensuring to contain it to 1.5 ° C nor respond to requests for aid from poor countries.

After the conclusion of this agreement, Greta Thunberg had already deplored that the conference was reduced to “blah, blah, blah”, repeating accusations she had addressed to world leaders. “I find it strange that some people see this as a victory, because what standards does this set for future COPs? How can we learn from this conference if we do not admit that it is in fact a failure, ”she criticized.

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