Greta Thunberg calls climate summit a “failure”

The face of the youth climate movement, Sweden’s Greta Thunberg called the Glasgow climate conference a “failure” in front of thousands of young people who came to demonstrate in this Scottish city to call for action against the looming climate change. their generation and the following.

“It’s no secret that COP26 is a failure,” she told several thousand children, adolescents and young adults, describing the conference as “a celebration of” business as usual “and blah “. “Our leaders are not showing the way, this is what leadership looks like,” she continued, pointing to the crowd.

Dezincing as a rule

“Our kings are naked (…) History will judge them severely”, she said of the leaders gathered for the COP, accusing them once again of inaction and again evoking a “greenwashing festival” . A second day of protests is scheduled for Saturday in Glasgow, at the end of the first of two weeks of COP26, to cry out for the climate emergency in the face of the devastating effects across the planet of rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse generated by human activities.

Residents, leaning out of their windows or lined up along the streets of the old city center lined with ocher or pink sandstone buildings, watched the march dotted with a banner reading “No planet B” and chanting “If not now. , so when will it be? “. Also among the crowd led by the global Fridays for Futurese movement and among the speakers was Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate.

A warming to + 2.7 ° C?

Beth Donaldson, a 16-year-old Scottish woman came with friends to say that not far from there, locked in the huge conference center, it is adults, in delegations from nearly 200 countries, who decide on the future of his contemporaries. “We see all these political leaders on TV saying that they are going to act but we never know what kind of actions they are going to take. It is not really their future that is in question, but ours, ”she said.

The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below + 2 ° C, if possible + 1.5 ° C, to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, which are already wreaking havoc across the country. planet. Each additional tenth of a degree has its share of consequences. But, according to the latest UN estimates, the world is heading towards a “catastrophic” warming of + 2.7 ° C.

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