Greta Thunberg arrested in Brussels during a demonstration

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg and several dozen demonstrators were arrested on Saturday in Brussels after blocking traffic during a demonstration against fossil fuel subsidies.

The Swedish environmental activist, who was arrested for civil disobedience during previous protests in different countries, was taken away by police after refusing to leave the scene of a sit-in.

“People will continue to take to the streets”

Greta Thunberg, 21, was part of a group of protesters who broke away from a march organized by the United for Climate Justice movement to call on the European Union to end fossil fuel subsidies to meet the target of carbon neutrality by 2050. The march started in front of the European Parliament in Brussels.

The goal of climate neutrality by 2050 “will not happen without an immediate elimination of fossil fuel subsidies,” climate change activists, scientists and economists wrote in an open letter to leaders of the EU made public by the organizers of the march.

“Until these necessary changes occur, people will continue to take to the streets to make our voices heard and hold you accountable,” the open letter added.

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