Greens warn against AfD: “Parts of the party are serious about plans for a coup”

Secret meeting
Interior Minister Faeser warns against right-wing extremist alliances after the AfD revelation

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser: “We are a defensive democracy.”

© F. Kern/Future Image / Imago Images

According to a report, AfD politicians were also present at a conspiratorial meeting in the right-wing milieu. The party is showing its true face, say top politicians from the SPD, Greens and FDP.

Several AfD politicians, right-wing extremists and entrepreneurs are said to have discussed, among other things, how they could drive millions of people out of Germany in a country hotel in Brandenburg – according to research by the “Correctiv” network. Top politicians from the Greens, SPD and FDP are now urgently warning against the AfD.

Nobody should underestimate the danger of right-wing extremist alliances involving the AfD, said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). star. “We now see again that it is necessary and right for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to monitor very closely what contacts there are in the right-wing extremist spectrum, how enemies of the constitution network with AfD representatives and what inhumane ideologies are propagated there,” said the SPD. Politician.

“We are a defensive democracy that does not tolerate right-wing extremists making their racist exclusion plans,” said Faeser. Dangerous are “not only violence-oriented right-wing extremists, but also intellectual arsonists who prepare the ground for violence. Even a “supposedly bourgeois face” should not hide the fact that “these extremists, with their ethnic ideology, are fundamentally directed against the human dignity of every individual – and thus against the foundation of our democracy.”

In this context, the parliamentary director of the SPD, Katja Mast, calls for an “uprising of the decent people”: “As disturbing as the discussions on the expulsion of migrants are, it is good that it is becoming increasingly clear where the AfD is headed,” Mast said. “We will continue to defend ourselves. We need an uprising of decent people.”

Green politician: “Relevant parts of the party are serious about their plans for a coup”

The research comes at a time when a ban on the AfD is already being discussed. A party ban is rightly a prerequisite, said the First Parliamentary Managing Director of the Greens, Irene Mihalic star. “But this process shows very well that the AfD is not just a right-wing or right-wing populist party.”

The AfD wants a completely different country that is not based on the democratic constitution, said Mihalic. “Relevant parts of the party are actually serious about their plans for a coup and the democratic parties must do everything they can to oppose this, especially against the background of our historical experience.”

Her party colleague Konstantin von Notz sees it similarly: “The research reveals: The AfD is a party in which people are organized who despise and want to destroy our democracy and legal system,” wrote the deputy group leader on “X”. These people worked structurally and often openly against the protection of Article 1 of the Basic Law, which guarantees human dignity.

FDP parliamentary group: “makes clear once again what the AfD plans to do with Germany”

The FDP parliamentary group on “X” also made a statement in a statement: The fact that AfD politicians and MPs are concocting plans for the mass expulsion of millions of people together with neo-Nazis is reminiscent of the darkest times. It once again makes clear what the AfD plans to do with Germany. Everyone needs to know what this is all about!

According to Correctiv research, in addition to the Austrian right-wing extremist Martin Sellner, several AfD politicians were present at the meeting, including party leader Alice Weidel’s personal advisor, Roland Hartwig, and Bundestag member Gerrit Huy.

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