Green MP Tessa Ganserer from Bavaria is no longer running for the Bundestag – Bavaria

The Franconian Green MP Tessa Ganserer no longer wants to run for the Bundestag. “The decision was not easy for me and it has no connection with the current developments in the Alliance 90/The Greens party and the Green Youth,” she said on her website on Wednesday. It was always clear to her that it was a temporary position for her, that she didn’t want to sit in parliament until she retired and “that there should be a life for me after politics.”

Tessa Ganserer was, alongside Nyke Slawik, the first trans woman in the German Bundestag and was previously a member of the Bavarian state parliament for eight years. In 2018 she made it public that she wanted to appear as a woman from now on. The 47-year-old emphasized in her statement that the mandate work was “enriching” but also “challenging”. “The inhuman hatred that was shown to me not because of my political content, but because of my being, really got to me.” The politician has been attacked again and again, especially by the AfD.

The decision, she emphasizes in her statement, is “certainly not a running away from those who have been mocking, insulting and threatening me for years.” Rather, her father’s death at the beginning of August made her think deeply and made her decision mature.

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