Green beans improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels – healing practice

Why green beans should be on the table more often

In the Advent and Christmas season, many people treat themselves to very special dishes. However, many of the typical meals at this time are not necessarily healthy. Who on green beans sets, however, does nothing wrong. Among other things, these have positive effects on the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels.

Whether in a casserole, with almonds or roasted with garlic: green ones beans sure to be on many tables this holiday season. And unlike many of the tempting treats that make up holiday meals, this food doesn’t need to be served with guilt, says a recent one Message the American Heart Association (AHA).

Health Benefits

High-fat, high-calorie foods are often eaten at Christmas time. Green beans, on the other hand, contain almost no fat and only few calories.

“Unless prepared with higher calorie ingredients, you can eat a large quantity of them and feel yourself without overindulging Fed up feel”says Maya Vadiveloo, Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Services at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston (USA).

And green beans are not only relatively cheap, but also offer numerous health benefits advantages.

Good source of protein and fiber

Green beans are high in vitamin C and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables their color. The vegetable helps fight inflammation and is a good source of folic acid and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure blood pressure contribute.

Green beans are also a good source of protein and fiber that helps to lower cholesterol levelsexplains Vadiveloo.

The expert points out that in the USA (and probably also in many other countries) too little fiber are consumed that are so good for gut health and help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Prepare properly

But whether green beans provide health benefits without also causing harm depends on how the vegetable is prepared, Vadiveloo says. Overcooking the beans will cause many nutrient removed – and a lot of taste.

However, they have to be cooked, otherwise they will become stale due to the protein they contain are poisonous. Experts advise cooking them for at least ten minutes.

Vadiveloo recommends using heart-healthy oils like olive oil or other non-tropical vegetable oils.

If you have one Casserole you can substitute Greek yogurt or low-fat milk for heavy creams. For those who want a little cheese on top, she suggests sprinkling cheese on top instead of layering it in big chunks.

And to maintain the antihypertensive benefits, “don’t sprinkle too much salt on it”warns the expert. “Use other spices. I like to eat them Szechuan style cayenne pepper. Or dip green beans in hummus.”

Fresh produce is best

According to Vadiveloo, green beans are fresh or shock frozen best. If these are not available, they can also be canned ones. However, care should be taken to choose a low-sodium option.

What’s most important for maintaining good health when it comes to holiday meals, says Vadiveloo, is the balance.

“If there’s something you really, really like, if it’s something your aunt brought to the table and you’re really craving it, then go ahead and meal you some of it”she says. “But balance it out with healthier foods and eat little.” (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • American Heart Association: Green beans can be one of the healthiest dishes at the holiday table, (accessed: November 26, 2022), American Heart Association

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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