Great love: “Face of Remembrance” by Dominik Graf – Medien


Christine Dossel

“In the beginning,” says the dead lover’s voice, “there was not the Word, nor God, but the spider.” The spider is the mysterious sign of the zodiac to which this film belongs. Again and again you see a specimen in close-up crawling over the skin, over a hand or an arm. They are tenderly caressed by the lovers. Like allies. It’s the opposite of arachnophobia, the overwhelming fear of eight-legged creatures. “The great spider mother destroys the world and creates it again and again,” it whispers once. But don’t worry, this is not a shamanic esoteric film, even if it is the story of a fateful love that Dominik Grafs face of memory told, is highly spiritually charged. The spider metaphor hints at something of this predestination, referring to the realm of the goddesses of fate who spin the thread of life.

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