Great Blasket Island –

Is it the colour? That bright, transparent turquoise? Or is it the sweat that runs down your neck as you hike from the town of Soča towards Bovec, always along that mountain river that winds through narrow limestone gorges? Whatever, it’s probably the combination of both that draws you magnetically into the water as soon as the large basin comes into view, which looks like a natural swimming pool surrounded by rocks. At nine in the morning, there’s not much going on. So take off your clothes and put on your swimming trunks and get in. But wow! Perhaps the expression on the faces of the three young women who have just climbed out of the Caribbean-like water should have been interpreted better. Because it is cold, ice cold; within a short time your legs hurt just standing in it. But we swim, and at first it feels like we are being frozen, but then the cold creates something like warmth throughout our bodies, a strange phenomenon that doesn’t make us want to stay in there any longer.

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