Government plans compulsory vaccination beyond caregivers

Should vaccination be made compulsory in a wider “field of care” than just caregivers? This is what the government is considering, we learned from union officials on Friday after a meeting between the Ministry of Labor and the social partners.

This consultation was held while the President of the Republic could unveil new measures Monday evening in a context of deterioration of the health situation due to the Delta variant.

Medico-social, transport, relief

According to Cyril Chabanier (CFTC), the vaccination obligation could therefore concern the nursing staff “but also the medico-social sector, the transport sector, that is to say everything that is aid to the person – ambulances, Samu, approved taxis, firefighters ”- or even caregivers.

Catherine Perret (CGT) also affirms that the obligation could extend to “the medico-social, social sector, home help”. Asked by AFP, the president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux said that the first employers’ organization was “in favor of compulsory vaccination of caregivers and only carers”.

The CGT wants to convince rather than constrain

The CGT for its part reaffirmed its wish to “convince” rather than to constrain. “In general the tone has changed, employee organizations said they were a little bored with the obligation,” she argued.

Asked by AFP, the secretary general of the CFDT Laurent Berger affirmed that his union did not think “that it is by a logic of sanctions that things should be approached but of dialogue and pedagogy”.

Sanctions debated

Mr. Chabanier does not see for his part “how to do the obligation without the sanctions”, while calling to be “reasonable”. “We can imagine things”, like unpaid leave, but “from there to the dismissal of the person, I don’t think it deserves it”. Another point debated, that of “reciprocity” concerning the health pass, between employees and customers of places that require it, such as discotheques.

“We are in favor of aligning access conditions for staff and customers in places where the health pass is requested,” Roux de Bézieux told AFP. “All the unions are opposed to an employer being able to demand the health pass,” said Ms. Perret. “It does not seem relevant to us at this stage,” confirmed Catherine Pinchaut, of the CFDT.

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