Göring-Eckardt: Traffic lights agree on compulsory vaccination in individual areas

Corona pandemic
Göring-Eckardt: Traffic lights agree on compulsory vaccination in individual areas

Green parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt


Will vaccination be compulsory for certain areas soon? The traffic light parties are unanimous on this issue, said Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt. “We’ll get this off the ground.”

The possible future government partners SPD, Greens and FDP are, according to information from Greens parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt, in agreement on the introduction of mandatory vaccinations in certain areas. “We will need a compulsory vaccination for facilities in nursing homes, day care centers, etc. We will get that on the way,” said Göring-Eckardt on Monday in Berlin. When asked, she confirmed that the members of the desired traffic light coalition were in agreement on this issue.

The move is not part of the reform of the Infection Protection Act, which is to be passed this week, but a separate legislative process, explained Göring-Eckardt.


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