Gordon Brown calls for prosecution for “crimes against humanity” against the Taliban

“I think the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. Since the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, in the name of their rigorous vision of Islam, “women have been excluded from education”, “from employment”, “from going to public spaces” and even “in recent days to go to cemeteries where their loved ones rest,” said former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, UN envoy for education, on Thursday.

On the airwaves of the BBC, the former leader of the Labor government (2007-2010) called for the prosecution of the Taliban for “crimes against humanity” before the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the treatment inflicted on women in Afghanistan.

“gender apartheid”

Women’s rights are a sticking point in negotiations over aid and recognition of the country. “This is probably the most heinous, vicious, complete violation of human rights” currently at work in the world, “systematically inflicted on millions of girls and women across Afghanistan”, a he underlined, calling on the International Criminal Court to “investigate”, taking up the expression “gender apartheid”.

If “gender discrimination” has never been prosecuted in this way, it is a “crime against humanity”, he insisted, calling on the British government to “sanction” those responsible for this policy. and refuting any “war of the West against Muslim values”.

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