Giorgia Meloni in Brussels: Up close and personal with the EU

Status: 03.11.2022 21:06

Italy’s new head of government has railed against the EU in the past. Her first trip abroad in office took her to Brussels of all places. Does that mean an all-clear for the EU?

During her inaugural visit to Brussels, the new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced that her country would play a greater role in the European Union. “Italy’s voice in Europe will be strong,” announced the politician on the fringes of her visit. Their interlocutors from the EU institutions invoked the cohesion of the international community.

Since her election at the end of September, it had been eagerly awaited how the Eurosceptic Meloni would position herself in Brussels. Does she rely on confrontation like she did when she was leader of the opposition? Or does it adopt a more moderate tone, as last indicated?

Meloni: “The beautiful life is over”

The 45-year-old has been leading the third largest economy in the EU for almost two weeks. In addition to their radical right-wing Fratelli d’Italia, the conservative Forza Italia party led by ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini’s right-wing Lega are in government – after the well-respected model European Mario Draghi at the head of a broad alliance, that’s quite a number change.

“I’m very happy with the atmosphere I found here,” said Meloni in the evening after their meeting. She spoke about the challenges for Europe and Italy, starting with the Ukraine war and the resulting energy crisis and the gas price cap. Other topics included migration to Europe. Your government has a different view on this. It is about defending the external borders. “I was met with an open ear.”

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen thanked Meloni on Twitter for a “strong signal” because she came to Brussels on her first trip abroad.

Shortly before the election, Meloni called out to Brussels: “The good life is over.” In addition, former Prime Minister Berlusconi has not backed away from Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, whom he continues to call a “friend.”

signs of relaxation

Salvini has also made headlines in the past with his closeness to Russia. However, Meloni recently underlined that Italy would continue to support Ukraine. The fact that her first trip abroad was to the EU can also be read as a sign of relaxation. Meetings with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and EU Council President Charles Michel were also on the agenda in Brussels. There were no joint press conferences.

Meloni wrote on Twitter: “We are ready to tackle the big issues, starting with the energy crisis, by working together for a sustainable solution to support families and businesses and to curb speculation.”

Rome depends on Brussels

Working together – that sounds good from a Brussels perspective. The President of the EU Parliament Metsola also appealed to cohesion in the confederation of states. “We are stronger when we stand together,” she wrote on Twitter. In the face of the Russian war against Ukraine, high energy prices and rising inflation, we must remain united.

Has Eurosceptic Meloni become a staunch pro-European? She hardly threw her convictions overboard shortly after taking office. Meloni’s government is currently working on the 2023 budget. Your country is excessively indebted – at the same time the energy crisis requires more relief.

Italy needs EU funds to deal with the Corona crisis

So how far can Italy stretch the EU’s common stability criteria? Italy will depend on the goodwill of the EU Commission in the coming months. The same applies to the billions from the EU fund to deal with the Corona crisis. Rome needs the money, but must meet certain criteria for the payout. Meloni would like to renegotiate – here, too, Brussels has the upper hand.

And then there is the issue of migration. In the past few days, almost 1,000 migrants rescued from distress at sea have been waiting on civil sea rescue ships for a safe haven off the coast of the Mediterranean country. Italy refused to let the ships enter as they did recently.

The brief conversations may not have afforded an opportunity to discuss all of this. Nevertheless, both sides can expect that these issues will accompany the coming months. At first, however, something else was in the foreground: getting to know each other personally.

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