Germany’s big Christmas markets: which ones will take place in 2021?

See in the video: Germany’s big Christmas markets – which ones will take place this year?

What would the pre-Christmas season be without Christmas markets?
Once we had to forego the contemplative and sometimes wet and happy anticipation of Christmas. In 2020 the Christmas markets were canceled due to the corona.
But even in 2021 the anticipation of mulled wine, bratwurst and Christmas scents will be diminished, because the incidences are increasing, the fourth corona wave has already got Germany under control and the first markets have already been canceled.
This is the current status of Germany’s largest Christmas markets:
The Munich Christmas market around Marienplatz? Cancelled.
Leipzig wants to forego alcohol on the historic market.
The famous Christmas market at Cologne Cathedral, on the other hand, is scheduled to open on November 22nd.
The same applies to the Hamburg and Frankfurt Christmas markets and in Dresden, too, mulled wine and punch will be served again from November 22nd. The 2G rule applies at Berlin’s Gendarmenmarkt, with the exception of children and young people. The same rules also apply in Erfurt, where the Christmas spectacle opens one day later.
The Christmas market in Dortmund starts a week earlier, on November 18th.

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