German tourists riot naked in Modena – Panorama

A man and a woman from Germany were arrested near the Italian city of Modena after jumping naked and drunk on a police car. Local residents alerted the police when the two Bavarian tourists aged 28 and 25 were walking around in the middle of the street without clothes, the Carabinieri announced on Tuesday. Accordingly, the incident occurred last weekend in the night from Saturday to Sunday.

When the officers arrived at the scene, the two refused from the Bavarian town of Mertingen to reveal their personal details, as it was said. Instead, they tampered with the Carabinieri car, damaged the windshield and jumped on the roof.

A video of the incident circulated on social media, shared among others by the head of the right-wing Lega, Matteo Salvini. The police officers say they use pepper spray to arrest the apparently drugged couple.

When their car was searched, they also found a forbidden knife. The Germans have returned to Germany. You now have to answer for damage to property and violence against public officials, among other things.


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