CureVac confirmed the poor results of its Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday. Developed by the German laboratory, it is indeed only 48% effective, a rate much lower than other messenger RNA vaccines already approved, according to comprehensive results of a large-scale clinical trial.
In the trial participants, “the CVnCoV vaccine candidate demonstrated an overall efficacy of 48% (83 cases in the vaccinated group, 145 in the placebo group) against the Covid-19 disease, regardless of its severity”, indicates the laboratory, which has signed an important order contract with the European Union. This result was predictable after the publication in mid-June of disappointing interim analyzes of clinical trials of this expected vaccine. The laboratory had questioned the rapid dissemination of the new variants.
The German laboratory still believes in it
CureVac reports that the performance of its product is slightly better in the 18-60 age group, where the effectiveness reaches 53%. Within this group, the protective effect against moderate and severe forms of the disease reaches 77% and it is 100% in the prevention of hospitalizations and deaths. On the other hand, “in participants over the age of 60, representing 9% of the cases studied, the available data did not make it possible to determine the efficacy in a statistically clear manner”.
Despite this mixed result, CureVac says it is convinced that its vaccine candidate “makes a valuable contribution to public health by fully protecting study participants aged 18 to 60 against hospitalization or death”, according to its CEO Franz-Werner Haas. “We believe that this efficacy profile represents an important contribution to the management of the Covid-19 pandemic and to the management of the dynamic spread of variants”.
It is now up to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which has already initiated a continuous review procedure for the vaccine, to give the green light or not to its marketing. The European Commission has signed a contract with biotech for the purchase of 405 million doses. CureVac was among the first to enter the vaccine race and was still hoping to bring a high-performance serum to market in May of this year. The laboratory carried out the final phase of its trials on around 40,000 volunteers in Europe and Latin America.
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