Crime thriller with black humor: In “Where’s Wanda?”, the first German production for Apple TV+, Heike Makatsch and Axel Stein bug the neighborhood.
There are things on German television that you’re glad don’t appear on the international market; What should the neighbors say? Streaming services don’t have this luxury. Whatever they produce is immediately blown out all over the world. Partly because European viewers occasionally want to see European people, but above all because current EU law requires it, American streamers also have to film in Europe. Apple TV + has now produced a series in Germany for the first time and it could help and harm Germany’s global reputation at the same time. The supposedly non-existent black humor – here you go, we have it too. On the other hand, maybe someone is sitting in some small town in the American hinterland and thinks: My goodness, they’re just as crazy as us.