German Association of Cities: Half of local politicians threatened – Merkel worried

German Association of Cities
Half of local politicians threatened – Merkel worried

The hashtag «#hate» can be seen on a screen. Photo: Lukas Schulze / dpa

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Hostility, hatred, threats – this is part of everyday life for many mayors in Germany. The corona pandemic has intensified that, says City Council President Jung.

Every second local politician in Germany has been insulted, threatened or assaulted, according to the German Association of Cities.

One in five people have already thought about withdrawing from politics out of concern for their own safety or that of their family, said the President of the City Council, Leipzig’s Lord Mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD), in Erfurt on Wednesday. The Executive Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), who spoke by video at the general meeting of the representation of around 3,200 cities and municipalities, expressed concern.

Merkel criticized the increase in hatred and violence against local politicians. The daily work of the mayors in Germany deserves all the more recognition. Especially in the corona pandemic, in which Germany is currently in a very, very difficult time, the municipalities are enormously challenged. Your health authorities are “the control points for fighting pandemics on site,” said Merkel.

Hostility in corona pandemic intensified

With a view to the demands of the cities in the double-digit billions of euros to the federal government for climate protection, social housing and inner city revitalization, the outgoing Chancellor called for stable financing for the municipalities. “Capable of action cities are the foundation of our country.”

Jung said on the sidelines of the annual general meeting that hostility against local politicians had intensified in the corona pandemic. Many of his colleagues have not spoken about it for a long time. After a change in the penal code, however, more threats and insults would be reported and prosecuted by the public prosecutor’s offices.

Freedom of expression stops where hunted, hatred sown, slandered or people of other cultures or religions are hostile, said the city council president. “Our common good is in danger if people no longer want to get involved in the council, with the volunteer fire brigade, in the parents’ café for migrants or in the association.”

Clarification requested

In her speech, Merkel urged urgent clarifications to contain the corona infections at the federal-state counseling on Thursday. “The fourth wave hits our country with full force.” She is deeply concerned about the situation in some federal states. The City Council called for a quick statutory vaccination requirement for employees at schools, daycare centers, in the health and care sector and a nationwide 2G rule in the leisure and cultural sector. He called for the epidemic situation of national importance to be extended beyond November 25th.

In addition, the mayors made a list of demands for the future traffic light coalition. Among other things, more federal support was required to stop the desertification of many inner cities. It is good that there is a program for sustainable inner cities. “One-time 250 million euros are not enough,” said Jung. “We need 500 million euros a year over the next five years.”

The demand for a double-digit billion amount for climate protection investments in the municipalities and an increase in federal funds for buses and trains by 1.5 billion euros per year was confirmed. In addition, the decline in social housing must be stopped.

On Thursday there should be a change at the top of the city council. According to an association spokeswoman, Jung will run for vice-president after more than two years at the top, while his deputy, the mayor of Münster, Markus Lewe (CDU), will run for president.


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