George Floyd’s Family and America “Breathe” A Little Better

The joy of Philonise Floyd (left), lawyer Ben Crump and Pastor Al Sharpton as Derek Chauvin was convicted of the murder of George Floyd. – Julio Cortez / AP / SIPA

George Floyd died of lack of oxygen, but Tuesday night his family can “breathe again”. Because Derek Chauvin was found guilty of all the charges against him, including the “2nd degree murder” of George Floyd, an extremely rare verdict against a police officer unanimously taken by the jury after less than 24 hours of deliberation. A “turning point in history”, a name that has become “synonymous with justice”, a relief: reactions rained down on Tuesday in the United States, and around the world, even if many voices, such as Joe Biden and Barack Obama, have stressed that this was “just the first step” in the fight against racial injustices.

Philonise Floyd, who had testified in tears and told the jury about her memories of her older brother, raised her hand in victory, alongside family lawyer Ben Crump and Pastor Al Sharpton. For the latter, George Floyd has “become a symbol, so that (the police) remove their knee from our neck”.

“Guilty! Justice obtained in pain was finally granted to the family of George Floyd, ”reacted Ben Crump. “This verdict is a turning point in history. In Minneapolis hundreds of people gathered in front of the court and celebrated the verdict with shouts of joy, chanting the name of George Floyd.

Kamala Harris “relieved”

Kamala Harris, she heaved a “sigh of relief”. “This does not take away the pain, however,” continued the first black vice president in United States history. “Black Americans, especially black men, have been treated across this country as if they are not men. We still have to reform the system, ”she pleaded, while several elected officials are working on a bill to more strictly regulate the use of police force.

In a solemn speech, Joe Biden called on America to fight against the racism that “stains” its soul. “The time has come for this country to come together,” added the US president. “The guilty verdict will not bring George back” but this decision may be the time for “significant change.”

A “first step”

“Today, a jury in Minneapolis did the right thing,” wrote Barack Obama, hailing a “first step”. “But if we are honest, we know that real justice goes much further than a single verdict in a single trial,” added the first black president of the United States, calling for “the fight” to continue to fight against racism and police violence. “We can’t stop there. “

“Skin color still determines all too often how someone is treated in almost all areas of American life,” said Bill Clinton. “If the verdict does not bring us back George Floyd, it can help us prevent more senseless deaths and bring us closer to the day when we will all be treated the same,” added the former Democratic President.

The reactions crossed the American borders. “I welcome this verdict,” wrote Boris Johnson. “I was appalled at the death of George Floyd and welcome this verdict. My thoughts tonight are with the family of George Floyd and his friends. “

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