George and Amal Clooney Receive Social Involvement Award

George and Amal Clooney
You receive an award for social commitment

Amal and George Clooney have won an award together for the first time.

© imago/Matrix

For the first time, Amal and George Clooney received an award for their social commitment together.

Amal Clooney (44) has already received a large number of prizes and honors for her commitment as a human rights lawyer. From the Global Citizen of the Year Award 2018 to the Champion of the International Rule of Law Award 2021. For the first time she was presented with an award together with her husband George Clooney (60).

Fight for security and freedom

The couple received the Elevate Prize Catalyst Award in a virtual awards ceremony on February 8, 2022. They received the award thanks to their joint Clooney Foundation for Justice, which aims to drive social change around the world.

In an acceptance speech posted on the charitable foundation’s YouTube channel was uploaded, thanks to George and Amal Clooney for the honor. “One of the most important values ​​of the Elevate Prize Foundation is the safety and freedom of people – goals that we share with the Clooney Foundation for Justice,” the Hollywood star begins the speech.

That happens with the prize money

Amal Clooney also reveals in the video what will happen to the prize money: “The funds received will benefit our ‘Trial Watch’ program, which monitors trials around the world and defends individuals who are wrongly imprisoned – including journalists, women, LGBTQ people and minorities.”

“We are working to free the innocent and punish the guilty,” her husband added. Both are proud of the many young people around the world – “a new generation that no longer wants to accept the status quo. These young leaders who devote themselves to some of the most pressing issues of our time inspire us deeply,” said the couple.


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