Gatherings of caregivers in Paris and Marseille

Several dozen hospital staff gathered in Paris and Marseille on Tuesday against the vaccination obligation to which the agents of health establishments will be subject at the start of the school year.

“We are against the vaccine obligation,” said Pascale Jourdan, secretary general of the CGT of Marseille Hospitals (AP-HM), during a rally in front of the Timone. The staff of health establishments or those working with fragile people have until October 15 to present a complete vaccination schedule, and until September 15 for the first dose.

“Maybe I would lose my place on September 15th. But the vaccine, I’m afraid ”

“Each person must have the freedom not to be vaccinated,” also said Vincent Martin, deputy secretary general of the Force Ouvrière (FO) union, in front of the headquarters of Public Assistance – Paris Hospitals (AP-HP) before a meeting of the central health, safety and working conditions committee.

This union official denounced the pressure exerted by executives on staff to get them vaccinated. “Maybe I would lose my place on September 15th. But the vaccine, I’m afraid, ”said Yael Dos Santos, nursing assistant for thirty years at Pitié-Salpêtrière and FO activist. She said she was ready to be tested every 72 hours to avoid the bite.

In total, more than 80,000 AP-HP staff have received at least one dose of vaccine on “a target of 100,000 people,” said Martin Hirsch, director general of AP-HP. The reluctance is stronger among nursing assistants, 49% vaccinated, against 94% for doctors, according to these figures.

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