Gas, partial unemployment, winter break … What will change on June 1 in France


The price of gas will (again) increase this year – Pixabay

This Tuesday, we are June 1, and in addition to the beautiful days which return massively and the summer which promises a lot, several provisions and prices change. We take stock for you.

Home straight for taxes

Administrative anguish, the hour is ticking to file your tax return. If you live in a department between the 20th and the 54th, this is even your last day, then you can drop this article and file your declaration online (the paper version ended on May 20). For departments greater than 54, you have until June 8 (and we reassure you, it’s faster than it looks). If you live between departments 1 and 19, well…. It’s too late, it had to be completed last Wednesday. Sorry!

Rise in gas prices

On June 1, Engie’s regulated tariffs increased by 4.4%. This increase is 1.2% for customers who use gas for cooking, 2.6% for those who have dual use, cooking and hot water, and 4.6% for homes that heat themselves on the stove. gas.

Decrease in partial unemployment benefit

Compensation for short-time working has decreased significantly. Until now, the employees concerned received 84% of their net salary and 100% if they were at the minimum wage. From June 1, the State will pay only 72% of their net salary, with the exception of protected sectors such as hotels, tourism or events, which will continue to receive 84% of their net salary at least until 1st of July.

End of the winter break

Local evictions are allowed to resume from June 1. The winter break had been extended by two months due to the health crisis. A decision highly criticized by associations. 66,000 people will be affected by the evictions according to a press release from the Abbé Pierre Foundation.

Goodbye Greater Paris for old diesels

Vehicles with Crit’Air 4 and higher stickers, i.e. the oldest diesel and gasoline engines, will no longer be able to circulate on weekdays from this Tuesday in the low-emission zone of Greater Paris.

Private vehicles (cars or two-wheelers) and light commercial vehicles classified Crit’Air 4, 5 and not classified will no longer be able to operate during the week between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., excluding public holidays, in a large area located inside the A86 which forms a wide loop around Paris. Concretely, these are Euro 1, 2 or 3 diesel vehicles, registered before 12/31/2005, and petrol vehicles registered before 12/31/1996. For heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches, this ban is valid every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

YouTube advertising change

Advertising revolution on Youtube, and not really in the sense of the creators, since it is now possible for the digital giant to advertise in any video and without paying the author of the video. Payments made by YouTube to content creators “will be considered royalties,” said the giant, which has changed its terms of use.


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