Garching – fire brigade extinguishes fire in the commercial area Hochbrück – district of Munich

A fire in the Hochbrück commercial area kept the volunteer fire brigades from Hochbrück and Garching on duty for seven hours on Thursday evening. Shortly before 8:30 a.m., an emergency call was received from employees of a company on Gutenbergstrasse that a shredder system for destroying files had caught fire. The cause of the fire was probably a technical defect. The extinguishing work proved to be extremely lengthy, reports operations manager David Ward, commander of the Hochbrück volunteer fire brigade, since there were countless embers in the large area, which the firefighters had to extinguish individually by hand. The helpers were only able to move away again early Friday morning. A total of around 60 emergency services from the Hochbrück and Garching fire brigades, the police, the rescue service and the ABC train were involved. No damage was sustained to people or surrounding structures.

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