G20 Summit in Bali: Lavrov and the rest of the world – Politics

Friend and foe meet at the G-20 summit in Bali, including Russia, the USA and the EU. How do the countries deal with it, what do they expect from it? The meeting of foreign ministers now gives a foretaste.


Paul Anton Krueger, David Pfeifer and Frank Nienhuysen

So now he’s coming. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will take part in the meeting with his G-20 colleagues, which begins in Bali this Thursday. It will be Lavrov’s first appearance in such a setting since President Vladimir Putin ordered the renewed attack on Ukraine. “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” is the motto with which the host Indonesia has titled the meeting. According to the official announcement, the aim is to improve further cooperation through dialogue in order to revitalize multilateralism in addressing global challenges.

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