Further decline in August, a level close to before the crisis

The number of job seekers in category A (without activity, whole of France excluding Mayotte) fell again in August, decreasing by 1.4% compared to July, with 3.545 million people registered, or 51,300 less, according to figures released on Monday. Compared with August 2020, the number of these category A job seekers fell by 8.5%, indicates the statistics directorate of the Ministry of Labor (Dares).

In June, the number of Category A job seekers had fallen by 60,100. Month after month, it is getting closer to its pre-crisis level, only being higher than 60,800, or 1.7% compared to February 2020. By including those registered in reduced activity (categories B and C), the number of job seekers recorded in August a decrease of 0.7% (-43,500 registered) and 3.6% over one year.

Increase in categories B, C and D

Nevertheless, at 5.883 million people, it is still 207,900 higher than in February 2020, or 3.7%. August was marked by a slight increase of 0.3% of job seekers in categories B and C, coming from transfers from category A.

Category D, which notably includes job seekers in training, increased by 4.8%, or 21,100 people. The Dares does not comment on the monthly data, which is too volatile, favoring quarterly developments. The figures for the third quarter will be known at the end of October.

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