Furnishing: How home stagers stage real estate – your SZ

As a home stager, Fernando Dieball has already beautified hundreds of properties so that they can achieve a higher purchase price on the housing market. On the road with a man who knows how to get the best out of spaces.

Christoph Kapol hesitated for a while before going to a real estate agent. His mother had died the previous year and she had left his parents’ house to him. At first he thought of renting it out so as not to have to part with it entirely. But then he finally decided to sell it. “I grew up here, there are so many memories attached to it, and that’s why it hurts a bit,” he says. “But it’s probably for the best.” The house in Meckenheim near Bonn is a typical bungalow from the 1970s in a quiet, middle-class residential area. Many of the houses that were built at that time have now been modernized, increased or expanded.

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