From the drugstore: 5 low-carb products we buy again and again

Whether you want to lose weight or simply eat more protein, a low-carb diet has many advantages. To make the change easier for you, we have selected five products from the drugstore that we particularly recommend. The best thing about them is that they are all vegan.

Our top 5 low-carb products from the drugstore

All products at a glance

2. Almond milk from Alpro

from approx. 23 euros


3. Almond flour from GreatVita

from approx. 14 euros


4. Linseed from KoRo

from approx. 14 euros



1. Protein-rich peanut butter

2. Sugar-free almond milk

3. Versatile almond flour

4. Crushed organic linseed

5. Satisfying whey protein

The benefits of a low-carb diet

A low-carb diet means reducing your intake of carbohydrates, which encourages your body to use fat reserves for energy. This can help you lose weight, stabilize your blood sugar levels, and lead to sustained high energy levels. With the right products in your kitchen, starting a low-carb diet is a breeze.

However, our favorite drugstore products can also help optimize your protein needs – without a strict low-carb diet.

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