from “My Psy support”, to Pass’sport through the prescription of antibiotics

FRANCE – Many developments are expected in France for mid-year 2024. Between the opening of the Pass’sport, the My Master results, the compulsory second year internships and the simplification of the “Mon Soutien Psy” system, it is important to keep an eye on this calendar. HuffPost takes stock of these new features which come into force this Saturday, June 1st, as you can see in our video above.

· Simplified prescription for certain antibiotics

Several everyday medical prescriptions are simplified from June 1 to free up doctors’ time. Pharmacists will be able to directly dispense antibiotics for the treatment of tonsillitis and cystitis. For their part, opticians will be able to adjust the correction of the glasses if it does not correspond.

· Simplification of “My Psy support”

June 1 notably marks the evolution of the system “My Psy Support”launched in 2022, which allows adults and children over three years old “in mental suffering” to obtain, upon medical prescription, reimbursement for a maximum of 8 psychology sessions per year.

From this Saturday, these sessions will be reimbursed more, the ceiling increasing from 30 to 50 euros, and their number can go up to 12 per year. But that’s not all. It will now be possible to consult a licensed psychologist directly, without having to go through a doctor.

· Assistance of 50 euros thanks to the Pass’sport

This Saturday, June 1, also marks the return of Pass’sport, state aid of 50 euros to finance the registration of a child in a sports club. The system is aimed at young people aged 6 to 18 from families benefiting from the back-to-school allowance or the education allowance for disabled children. Students aged 28 or over who have a scholarship will also be able to benefit from this system.

Some 6.5 million young people are eligible for the system in more than 85,000 partner clubs and venues, according to the Ministry of Sports. To benefit from it, simply present the QR code received directly by email. The reduction is then automatically applied.

· An address for each house

An address for each house is now the norm in France. This June 1 marks the end of the entry into force of the obligation for all municipalities to name and number all their roads and streets. This aims in particular to facilitate the distribution of mail, the deployment of optical fiber and even the intervention of emergency services.

As of this Saturday, even villages with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants are affected. But town halls are far from the mark. According to the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT), only 18,882 municipalities have fulfilled their addressing obligations to date, or only 54% of some 35,000 municipalities.

· Ban on new cannabis derivatives

The list of prohibited cannabis derivatives is growing. From Monday June 3, the hemisynthetic cannabinoids H4-CBD and H2-CBD and several “synthetic cannabinoids” will be banned due to their health risks, indicates theANSM. They are found in particular in certain liquids for electronic cigarettes, candies or oils. Unlike CBD, it will therefore be impossible to sell, produce or consume it in France.

· End of the income declaration campaign

Last straight line to be in compliance with the tax authorities! Taxpayers from departments between numbers 55 to 976 – from Meuse to Mayotte – have until Thursday June 6 to finalize their tax return online. If you declare your income after the deadline in force for your department, your tax will be increased by a penalty (from 10% in the event of rapid regularization to 40% when the declaration has not been filed within 30 days following the receipt of a formal notice).

· Opening of the ticket office for the Rail Pass

The Rail Pass should be launched during the month of June, allowing young French people under the age of 27 to travel unlimitedly on the TER for 49 euros per month in July and August. “The sale will take place in mid-June through a digital solution offered by the SNCF”indicated the Ministry of National Education and Youth a few days ago.

· Second year internships

The period between June 17 and 28 marks the entry into force of the compulsory internship for second year students in general and technological high schools. However, to date, nearly 50% to 70% of students are still without an internship, according to the count of the National Union of Secondary School Teachers (SNES-FSU) and the National Union of Management Personnel (SNPDEN- UNSA), cited by The world.

In the absence of an internship, students can carry out a cohesion stay or a mission of general interest within the framework of the universal national service (SNU), or even return to high school to (in particular) “perfect (their) orientation project”specifies Ministry of Education.

This is also happening this month:

  • Students who applied for a master’s degree via the platform My Master will receive the first admission results between June 4 and 24.
  • The full price ticket to climb the Eiffel Tower increases from 29.4 to 35.30 euros from June 17.

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