From Aya Nakamura to Clara Luciani … What will be the hit of the summer according to you?

The Fâte de la Musique 2020 had nevertheless reserved a few moments of dancing – JEE / SIPA

A Music Festival (almost) canceled, festivals (almost all) seated, discos (a priori) closed… And yet, like every year, a piece of music will be THE hit of the summer. Several heavyweights of song have already rocked their light and dancing pieces and hope to become the staple of your summer evenings. There are also the unexpected hits that can experience sudden glory. And finally the songs which resonate strongly with the news and could mark the memories by turning in loop until September …

20 minutes has made a small selection for you but you are free to suggest others in the comments.

Bobo, by Aya Nakamura

He’s THE tube specialist (not necessarily summer, for that matter) of recent years. With Bobo, taken from her last album, Aya Nakamura is still doing very well. Exotic and dancing just the right amount, the song also lets the lyrics scream in yoghurt. Everything we love.

The Kiffance, from Naps

Even if it does not become the hit of the summer (it has all the assets for that but hey, we don’t have a crystal ball either), The Kiffance is already the big success of the last few weeks. It remains to be seen whether the general summer public will appropriate very urban and Marseilles lyrics.

Breathe again, by Clara Luciani

What if it was the year of italo-disco? If we listen to Clara Luciani’s second album, there is reason to believe it. In the middle of a collection of potential hits, there is Breathe again, whose words sound like a hymn to the return to joy after months of pandemic.

Lights Off, by Bilal Hassani

Another title that echoes the news! Bilal Hassani, with darker words than it seems, tells us about a return to the life before (but not quite the same …)
on dance rhythms that could appeal to the masses. The first big popular hit for the ex-representative of France at Eurovision Song Contest?

Iko Iko, by Justin Wellington

An air simple, cheerful and lively, already heard a million times over dozens of different times. Clever, we already know the song, it enters all the more easily in our skulls. Justin Wellington doesn’t even make the effort to re-orchestrate or modernize it (he barely makes the effort to sing right by the way). And it works ! So why deny it.

Have you planned to hit on one of his songs all summer? Have you identified another more sunny and festive piece? And besides, do you like summer hits? Or do you think the pandemic has definitely killed our joie de vivre? Do you have specific summer memories related to a song? Tell us all about it in the comments or in the form below.

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