French social drama
Cult film “Hate” now as a musical

Rehearsals for the musical “La Haine” are underway and it will be performed from October 10. Photo
© Christophe Ena/AP/dpa
Around 30 years ago, Mathieu Kassovitz made the cult film “Hate.” He has now turned the drama about violence in the Paris suburbs into a musical. In his opinion, nothing has changed since then.
Around 30 years after the publication of “Hate”, Mathieu Kassovitz adapts his Cult film as a musical. Under the title “La Haine – jusqu’ici rien n’a changé” (The hatred – so far nothing has changed) he wants to emphasize the current and timeless character of his film and show that ultimately everything has stayed the same.
The social context in the Paris suburbs has not changed much, the police still make mistakes, as the French director said on the radio station “France Inter”. The original work from 1995 tells the story of three young people from a Paris suburb whose world is shaped by violence, discrimination, racism and drugs.
The musical, which mixes dance, film, rap, theater and live performance, is intended to be a renewed reflection on violence, on the relationship between citizens, police and the state, but also a reflection on hate and love, as 57-year-old Kassovitz further explained.
The trailer for the musical, which was published on Instagram a few days ago, is set in the Paris metro. You can see three young men discovering the poster for the musical entitled “La Haine – jusqu’ici rien n’a changé”. The piece will be performed for the first time in Paris from October 10th in the Paris concert hall “Seine Musicale”.