French MP challenges data transfer agreement between Europe and the United States

The new legal framework authorizes the transfer of computer data between Europe and the United States. But French MP Philippe Latombe (Modem) appealed to the European Union court to try to suspend and cancel it, according to a press release sent on Monday.

The MP filed two motions, on the merits and in summary proceedings, relying on an article of the Union Treaty which allows “any natural or legal person” to oppose within two months “acts regulations that directly concern it. The data transfer agreement between the European Union and the United States (“Data Privacy Framework”), adopted in July, is a crucial device for the digital economy after European court decisions having invalidated the precedents.

American surveillance in question

The latter have been the subject of legal challenges brought by Austrian privacy campaigner Max Schrems, in response to concerns about the protection of EU data transferred to the US, where it could be subject to US intelligence surveillance. The activist has already announced his wish to denounce this third agreement before the Court of Justice of the European Union, a procedure which will take several months.

“I hope to save him some time,” said Philippe Latombe, who would like his appeal, if it is not deemed admissible, to at least oblige the Commission “to reveal its arguments”.

“We must stop subservient to the Americans”

To justify his interest in acting, the MP claims that since the signing of this agreement he is no longer able to oppose in France the collection of his personal data by consumer services belonging to American giants, such as Google Analytics or Microsoft. Office365.

He regrets that the text does not guarantee full compliance with European data regulations, and ultimately benefits the Gafam (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft). “I can’t just say I’m not happy and do nothing. At some point, you have to stop subservient to the Americans, ”insisted the elected official.

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