Freising: Kurt Hartel fathoms the secret of music from Cuba – Freising

The “clave” sets the rhythm in Cuba, two wooden sticks that are hit against each other. Kurt Hartel from Freising, who actually has a doctorate in physics, had set himself the task of fathoming the secrets of Cuban music. More than four years after the start of shooting and many trips to the island, a feature film has emerged. The title: “La Clave”.

The studio that director Kurt Hartel has invited to his country house in the Pallhausen prairie near Freising is a homage to Cuba. Art by Cuban artists hangs on the walls, and a book entitled “Cuba – an island on the move” has found its place on a wooden stool. The Cuban flag is still hanging in the same place on his drum kit since the last time he was at his home. Between these walls, Hartel has given access to his love of Cuban music, he has made a movie for the rest of the world.

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