Freed from prison in Russia, Brittney Griner touched a basketball

“Hi you, nice to see you again! American basketball player Brittney Griner, released on December 9 from a Russian prison, touched up a basketball on Sunday and made her first dunk, her agent told ESPN. The two-time Olympic champion and WNBA star did a quick workout at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, Lindsay Kagawa Colas told US TV.

On her arrival on Friday morning in the United States, Brittney Griner was taken to a military base to undergo medical examinations. The 32-year-old American star, arrested in Russia in February on drug trafficking charges, was released from a Russian prison in exchange for arms dealer Viktor Bout, 55, who was serving a 25-year sentence in an American prison. They were exchanged at an airport in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and since then the player has not made any public statement.

Towards a return to competition?

Ms. Colas said this training session should not be interpreted as a sign that the Olympic champion has made a decision on whether or not to resume her career at Phoenix’s Mercury, franchise of the WNBA, the North American championship. American women’s basketball. “If she wants to play, it will be up to her to announce it […] She has the holidays to rest and decide what to do next without any pressure, ”said her agent. “She is doing very, very well. She seems to have endured this quite unbelievably. »

According to Ms Colas, the player, who could make a statement this week, has no intention of leaving the base where she is staying with her wife Cherelle. “At this point, there is no timeline for her return,” she added, saying she was “reintegrating into a world that has changed for her.” “From a purely security perspective, she won’t be able to move around the world like she used to. It’s not a spell she asked for, but I think she’ll try to use her fame for good. »

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