Free State assumes 269,000 euros in GEMA costs for clubs – Bavaria

Last year, the Free State of Bavaria paid the GEMA fees for around 5,000 club events. The state government spent around 269,000 euros on events organized by more than 3,700 organizers, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Affairs in Munich said when asked.

In spring 2023, the state government signed a lump sum contract with the collecting society Gema. Since April 5, 2023, this has allowed clubs to have the Free State cover the Gema fees for events without entrance fees. The regulation initially provided for the assumption of costs for up to two events with a maximum area of ​​300 square meters – inside and outside. As the Ministry of Social Affairs announced last Monday, the regulation was extended retroactively to January 1, 2024.

While previously only registered and non-profit associations benefited from this, in the future sports and shooting clubs, fire departments, aid organizations and cultural associations will also be able to pass on costs to the Free State. In addition, the cost coverage will be expanded to include up to four events with an area of ​​up to 500 square meters each per year. With this regulation, the Free State wants to send a sign of appreciation to volunteers and relieve them of financial burdens.

The spokesperson was initially unable to say what costs had already been incurred this year. Since negotiations for the adjusted flat-rate contract were only recently concluded, no meaningful data was available. According to the information, around 2.4 million euros have been earmarked for each of the coming years. This will support between 20,000 and 120,000 club events each year, depending on the type and size of the event.

GEMA fees are generally due when music is used publicly. In retail, for example, a fee of around 25 euros per month must be paid for background music in a sales area of ​​up to 200 square meters, according to the Society for Musical Performance and Mechanical Reproduction Rights (GEMA).

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