Frédérique Vidal wants 100% of students face to face at the start of the school year

All back on the benches of the university. The Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal said in
West France this Thursday, that the objective of a 100% face-to-face return to universities was “more than ever maintained”. “We will support students who have not been vaccinated during the summer so that they complete their vaccination schedule as soon as they resume. Vaccination barnums will be present on campuses from the first days of September, ”she assured.

In the event that a student tests positive for the coronavirus, students with unvaccinated contact cases will have to isolate themselves for seven days and “pedagogical continuity will be ensured”. As for the vaccinated contact cases, “they will be able to remain on campus, specifies Frédérique Vidal. Everything will be done so that they [les vaccinés] can return to a normal student life ”.

60% of 18-24 year olds first vaccinated

The minister believes that young people and students “are engaged in vaccination”. According to the latest figures from Public Health France, more than 60% of 18-24 year olds have already received a first dose of vaccine, she reports.

Students, teachers or researchers coming from areas where the virus circulates strongly, must “be tested before the trip, then repeat a test and observe a period of controlled isolation on their arrival”.

“We will ask the students [étrangers] to register with Social Security before their departure, and we will support them in the vaccination process, she promised. But we will not close our borders to them. It is essential that France continues to receive them. “

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