Fraud worth millions: Luxembourg Archbishop wants clarification of Caritas scandal

Fraud worth millions
Luxembourg Archbishop wants clarification of Caritas scandal

A theft worth millions has shocked Caritas in Luxembourg. (Archive photo) Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

A theft worth millions has shocked Caritas in Luxembourg. (Archive photo) Photo

© Harald Tittel/dpa

A fraud involving millions of euros at Caritas has shaken Luxembourg. A crisis team is being set up to investigate the matter and regain trust. Cardinal Hollerich is now speaking out.

After a multi-million dollar fraud case at the Caritas in Luxembourg is demanding a full investigation by the Luxembourg Archbishop, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich. In a statement, Hollerich called on the recently formed crisis committee to cooperate with the judiciary as best as possible. The case concerns 61 million euros that, according to Caritas Luxembourg, were stolen from the aid organization’s accounts.

Hollerich expressed “his deep indignation” at “the scandalous embezzlement” of funds “which affects a Catholic organization whose goal is to help those in need in the Grand Duchy and abroad,” the Archdiocese of Luxembourg said. It is now the task of the crisis committee to “create all the conditions for renewed trust,” Hollerich said.

The public prosecutor’s office in Luxembourg had already launched investigations in July into forgery, fraud, breach of trust, theft and money laundering. According to Luxembourg media reports, an employee of the aid organization is said to have embezzled the 61 million euros. She has already been questioned by investigators and has been released on conditions: Among other things, she is not allowed to leave the country.

On August 6, Caritas set up a crisis committee to work through the case and restore trust with the help of external experts. Hollerich explained that jobs within the charity also had to be secured. Caritas employs around 500 people in Luxembourg.

Pope Francis is expected to make a short visit to the Grand Duchy on September 26. The head of the Catholic Church will then travel on to Belgium.


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