François Bayrou puts the National Rally and the New Popular Front back to back, “two mortal dangers for society”

In Lyon, the former general secretary of Jean-Luc Mélenchon against the historic Macronist

The duel is head-on in the cradle of Macronie, dominated by the basilica of Fourvière. Former secretary general of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s presidential campaign in 2022, Anaïs Belaouassa-Cherifi (La France insoumise, LFI), 29, is invested by the New Popular Front in the 1D constituency of Lyon, to face Thomas Rudigoz (Renaissance), 53 years old, outgoing deputy and unwavering Macronist.

In the previous election, the former mayor of 5e arrondissement won by 1,400 votes in the second round, against the LFI candidate, Aurélie Gries. The latter did not appreciate learning through an internal Telegram loop that she was abruptly excluded from the candidacy, in favor of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s young close guard.

Purge? Anaïs Belaouassa-Cherifi denies any parachuting, highlighting her Lyon ties. Resident of 7e arrondissement, former student at Science po Lyon and UNEF activist at the turbulent Lyon-II University, the young woman recalls that she herself had been excluded from the 2e constituency of Lyon in 2022, at the time of the distributions of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes), for the benefit of the ecologist Marie-Charlotte Garin, elected and again candidate.

Born the same year, the two young women display their complicity in each campaign scene, wanting to give the image of the new understanding of the Lyon left. “ When I’m in the first photo of the Nupes in Aubervilliers, it’s her who pushes me in the back! »has not forgotten Marie-Charlotte Garin, claiming their “political sisterhood”.

Member of Parliament since 2017, Thomas Rudigoz criticizes “the dangers of extremism” to discredit his young opponent “with a deceptive smile”. “That’s his only argument. I talk about his record, his votes against the price freeze and for the “immigration” law with the National Rally”replies Anaïs Belaouassa-Cherifi, hoping to fill the 2% that had been missing on the left.

Richard Schittly (Lyon, correspondent)

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