Franco-German partnership: Macron raves about the soul, the Chancellor speaks of the engine and sweet cuddling

upset? What upset? In Paris, Olaf Scholz and the most important German politicians are celebrating 60 years of Franco-German friendship with Emmanuel Macron. It’s like a school trip. But then the chancellor caught up with the main battle tank debate.

Actually, this Sunday morning at the Sorbonne in Paris should be a relaxed day for Olaf Scholz. Under the eyes of the hardest thinkers René Descartes (“I think, therefore I am”) and Blaise Pascal (“If you want people to say good things about you, don’t say it yourself”), the chancellor, who feels at home in this society, celebrates the no less self-confident French President Emmanuel Macron celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, the basis of the Franco-German friendship, of which in recent weeks and months one could not really say how sustainable it still is, at least as far as the political one is concerned level.

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