France still in the lead, but nibbled by Ireland at the start of the second half

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7:17 p.m. : 27-21 for the Blues twelve minutes from the end, very clever who will predict the winner of this match!

7:15 p.m. : And hop, here is the video of Cyril Baille’s try and the aborted triple lutz of Mr. Gardner, the match referee, on the Stade de France ice rink.

7:12 p.m. : @Chip13 Are you referring to the Irish pillar Andrew Porter whose blond mane is only seen in the mauls? A quick search on Google Images shows that he has sought himself a lot capillary.

7:11 p.m. : There is an Irish player who has the same hairdresser as Boris Johnson.😁

7:08 p.m. : Precisely, I wondered with a colleague when dated the last bad match of the France team. Really bad, without idea, without tests… I think that under Fabien Galthié, this kind of purge no longer exists.

7:07 p.m. : We are really on the two or three best teams in the world with the Black it’s November level What a match!

7:04 p.m. : So, can we give “fighting spirit” lessons to our Irish friends? ^^ like what, in rugby as in politics, we are never dead! ^^

7:02 p.m. : @Kevin This is one of the images of the day, the referee of the match spread out on the lawn of the Stade de France. I’ll find the image for you as soon as possible.

7:01 p.m. : Mr. Gardner is going for a spin on the Beijing ice rink? 😅

7:01 p.m. : If I give birth early, it will be the fault of the Blues!

7:01 p.m. : This victory, it will be necessary to go to seek it with the teeth, until the end the Irishmen will be painful!!!!

6:59 p.m. : Melvyn Jaminet misses the corner transformation, which means that on the scoreboard, it always makes 27-21 for the Blues and there are 25 big minutes left to play. We are not done with the suspense.

6:58 p.m. : THIS SICK MATCH! While we feared that the Blues would fall asleep, it was Cyril Baille who woke everyone up by flattening after a long action in front of the Irish goal line!

6:56 p.m. : Google Translate offers me “dìreadh” to say “remontada” in Gaelic.

6:55 p.m. : The Irish comeback…

6:55 p.m. : Ah la la, definitely this match looks a lot like the match against the Blacks last fall with these tries immediately conceded in the second half…

6:55 p.m. : Realistic these Irishmen, 4 forays into the French 22m and 3 tries!

6:54 p.m. : Because the Blues have just taken a try, an opposing striker who escapes 20 meters from the line and flattens between the posts. That’s two tries conceded in two minutes by the Blues, who showed a disconcerting passivity. , I hope you have a defibrillator nearby, the end of the match is not recommended for fragile hearts…

6:53 p.m. : The French defense against the Irish attacks…

6:54 p.m. : Each time an opportunistic attempt on the part of the Irish! That’s what is reassuring, is to say that there is not much built.

6:53 p.m. : Once again, the French defense conceded a somewhat easy try for the Irish, thanks to Van der Flier on a touch found near the try line. , if we see the glass half full, we will live a second period full of suspense!

6:53 p.m. : That’s good, they just cashed one!

6:47 p.m. : , France can take two tries and stay in the lead. You guessed it, it was the metronome Melvyn Jaminet who kicked between the poles again. The start of the second half is as ideal as the first act.

6:47 p.m. : “The match, we must continue to hold it as we hold it”cowardly, cryptic, Fabien “La Palice” Galthié at the microphone of France 2, while the two teams returned to the lawn.

6:36 p.m. : It’s not possible, DUPONT is a moped! ^^

6:35 p.m. : It is magic

6:44 p.m. : A great first half! What a treat ! Can’t wait for the 3rd half!!!

6:44 p.m. : And if we reviewed the two tests of this first period? Antoine Dupont’s masterpiece and the ball of the tricolor defense, it’s here!


6:29 p.m. : It’s the end of this first period, and the ten big minutes of break will not be too much to catch our breath! The Blues take the lead, 19-7 v Ireland thanks to the touch of Melvyn Jaminet and a burst of energy from the fifteen players present on the field.

6:43 p.m. : The Irish are reduced to looking for the great happy cavalcade. I haven’t seen much built offensively on the green side for 15 minutes.

6:24 p.m. : Melvyn “100%” Jaminet passes a new penalty between the poles, and that’s a score that fairly accurately reflects the domination of the Habs at all times over this first period. Three more minutes to play in the first half.

6:11 p.m. : And even on defensive gestures, like this offensive tackle by Gabin Villière who sends an opponent back to his camp by accompanying him into touch, the XV of France thrills the public at the Stade de France. Still after 25 minutes of play.

6:10 p.m. : Watch this great match of the French team while preparing a tartiflette with a beautiful setting sun over the forest of Rambouillet… But what are the people asking for! Go Les Bleus (and long live Reblochon!)!

6:11 p.m. : Frankly, I know that we must not go too far. But when good sees this team, I tell myself that it can win the World Cup!

6:11 p.m. : I agree with you, Pierre, we’re finally seeing great rugby again! Maybe we’ll also see beautiful football when Zizou takes over the France team….😁🙄

6:06 p.m. : Melvyn Jaminet gives the Blues a safety mattress, with a corner penalty on the 22-meter line which he transforms without problem. 13-7 for the Blues after 17 minutes of a hair-raising match!

6:06 p.m. : Having eaten the purge for ten years and the Saint-André-Novès-Brunel era, frankly, I can tell you that you would benefit from letting yourself be tempted by this young French team which plays, of course, against, but with a bunch of players who know what to do when the ball comes into their hands, which was not always the case with their predecessors.

5:59 p.m. : Good evening Pierre, to tell you frankly, I no longer watch rugby since it ceased to be an avoidance sport and mainly prefer percussion. Do you believe that this new generation could reconcile me with my former loves…?

5:57 p.m. : Is it because Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is a presidential candidate? But a supporter of the Blues who wanted to proclaim his love for Antoine Dupont (which is proof of taste, except when the opener of the Blues put on canary yellow bathrobes) had his banner confiscated by the Stade de France stewards.

5:53 p.m. : @Cdn We do not sell the skin of the Irish before having killed them, because a bright return from their Gibson-Park opener allows them to pierce the tricolor defense and the Irish to flatten in the promised land! Try a little cap conceded by the Blues who looked at each other. 10-7 for Francesuddenly, after 8 short minutes of play.

5:51 p.m. : But our lions died of hunger, sorry our roosters!

5:49 p.m. : @TontonFab If the French give me time, I’ll go get it 😀 Thanks to the metronomic precision of Melvyn Jaminet, that’s 7-0 from the start for the Blues!

5:48 p.m. : You have to get out the binders, but it’s one of the fastest tests in all competitions.

5:48 p.m. : It starts as strong as against the all blacks! Oh that’s good!^^

5:48 p.m. : Hop hop hop No time to put the casserole on your head: tryiiii🇫🇷

5:48 p.m. : Note on this very good action, the leading role of Romain Ntamack, also erased last Sunday, author of a bright pass to destabilize the Irish defense.

5:47 p.m. : ONE MINUTE AND EIGHT SECONDS OF PLAY and already a tricolor test signed Antoine Dupont, who found the fire canes he had left in the locker room last week!

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