“France is going to burn this week”… The BFMTV weather journalist changes his tone to talk about the heat wave

“The goal is not to scare, but I decided, a few days ago, to abandon my usual tone which over the months I find a bit useless”, launched Tuesday evening, on set, Marc Hay, weather journalist at BFMTV.

A few minutes earlier, he had just given an update on the heat that awaits us this Wednesday and in the days to come.

“We are getting into the heart of the matter”

“We get into the hard part of the subject, with temperatures that will become dangerous”, he draws up. Before continuing: “Friday afternoon, peaks of more than 40 ° C are expected in the southwest (…) and above all, regions which are not used to these high temperatures will be affected by abnormally high temperatures. “. He then mentions the peaks of 40 ° C expected between Nantes and Angers, or even 38 ° C in Ile-de-France on Saturday.

This change in tone has not gone unnoticed. “Your tone has changed, your vocabulary has changed,” he is told. “He scares us”, even slips a journalist. Marc Hay, he says he wants to do away with the usual monotonous tone. “Arriving on set and saying ‘France is going to be affected by a new heat wave…’, I don’t think it works anymore. (…) People have to understand that France, clearly, is going to burn out this week. “Above all, Marc Hay invites us to bear in mind that these extreme temperatures are coming when it is only mid-June. “I think we have to change the way we talk about it, because it doesn’t print. People have to realize that what is happening is only the hidden face of the iceberg”, continues the weather journalist.

This change in tone has not gone unnoticed on social networks either, with several Internet users congratulating Marc Hay for his outspokenness.

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